Cute Halloween Spook'ms with Halloween Swissies

I just used the Forest SVG that I created a while ago. If you still don't have the Forest SVG feel free to download for FREE. I can't even believe how fun it was to color these girls. The cape on the little Vampire Swissie was so fun! I love to figure out where folds would be.

I had a great time with the skin with both the Vampire Swissie and the Witch Swissie. I already knew that I wanted to do the witch with green skin, that was a no brainer. The cauldron she is making her skin care cream of course HAHA!! The skin for the vampire however I kind of went back and forth with to do regular color skin or not. I decided to go with the BV color family to do purple skin like the undead.

I was actually fortunate I think to find some paper from my new Carta Bella Hocus Pocus 6 x 6 Paper Pack that looked like a spooky Scooby Doo haunted mansion for the background of the diorama! I think it looks magnificent!

One of the last things that I put on the card was some sparkly spiderwebs that I have had FOR YEARS in my Halloween pumpkin decorating supplies. Honestly, I was being lazy and didn't want to cut anything out haha!

The other thing that I added last was the rhinestones on various places on the card. I even added a couple to the sentiment to make it look a little more finished.