C.C Designs Design Team Call (Applications Accepted November 20th-December 5th)

C.C Designs 2021 Design Team Call
C.C Designs is looking for new designers to join our team for the upcoming New Year. The term will be three months at a time and run from January through March. Please send us 3-5 samples of your most recent work to meghan.kennihan@gmail.com & christine@ccdesignsrubberstamps.com. Send the links to your blog, Instagram, Facebook or YouTube where you share your work and people follow your creations. Please include if you are currently or have been on any other Design Teams in the past and tell us a little about yourself in a short bio.
This is a 3 month commitment starting in January and going through March. You must be willing to create 3-4 projects per month with one being posted to the C.C Designs Blog and all projects shared across social media platforms and in at least 5 Facebook Groups.
In return for your creations and promotion, you will get the C.C Designs Release each month and join our private Facebook Group. You will also get a 50% discount to add goodies to your monthly order! The shop is FULL of cuteness and you'll be able to get yourself some at a generous discount. What's better than that?
If this sounds fun and like the opportunity for you, please send us your application. The deadline is December 5, 2021. We will go over all the applications and choose the best fit for the shop. Thanks for the continued support and we look forward to seeing all of your incredible creations!